No matter how many lies they published, how much “disinformation” they broadcasted, no matter how many Democrats waxed hysterical about Trump’s supposed “insurrection”, no matter the intensity of the propaganda campaigns, liberals could not convince Americans to care about the Jan. 6 protests.
It’s clear as day to see for anyone with a brain cell that Washington Swamp creatures on both sides of the aisle orchestrated this event to secure Donald Trump’s political downfall, and thus his permanent exile from D.C.
Boy were they wrong!
According to the latest polling, less than 50% of the American public holds Former President Donald Trump responsible for the protests on Jan. 6 — a major dint to Democrats, especially before their show trials begin.
A majority of the public (52%) believed Donald Trump was “solely” or “mainly” responsible for the Jan. 6 protests in the days following the protest, but most have changed their tune as facts continue to emerge. Now only 45% of respondents believe the Former President is solely to blame for the entire debacle.
A major shift is underway and the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt Committee is hoping to change the public’s mind. A whopping 55% now say Donald Trump is only “somewhat” or “not really” responsible for the protests.
As their show trials kick off this week, the Witch Hunters have some real headway to make up if they wish to convince the public of Donald Trump’s supposed insurrection.
A series of six to eight hearings are expected to take place throughout June, with the goal of making a case to the public about the committee’s findings over the past year.
If you need any additional proof that the United States is beginning to resemble that of Soviet Russia, well, these show trials should provide that for you.
Most Republicans consider the investigation (comprised of seven Democrats and two “Republicans”) totally biased and therefore inconclusive in its findings. After all, every member of the House Select Committee has one unmistakable attribute in common…
They all despise Donald Trump.
If that isn’t biased, then what is?
“It is extremely broad. It’s extremely well organized. It’s really chilling,” Cheney told CBS Sunday Morning when asked about the hearing and if the attack amounted to a conspiracy.
Anyone can manipulate facts to fit any narrative; it really isn’t difficult in today’s day and age. With the entirety of the federal government and all its resources behind them, the Witch Hunters are sure to make a particularly dramatic “case” about Trump’s supposed involvement in such a “well organized” insurrection.
The poll interviewed 1,000 adults between May 5-7 and 9-10. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
Author: Nolan Sheridan

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