There’s nothing more glorious than the left eating their own.
Sometimes the race-obsessed woke army goes so far into their delusions, they often circle back and accidently espouse extreme far-right talking points.
Such was the case with Whoppi Goldberg, arguably television’s most ardent liberal.
Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended from ABC following her controversial comments about the Holocaust in which she said the extermination of six million Jews was not about race.
— ABC News PR (@ABCNewsPR) February 2, 2022
Several sources revealed that ABC insiders are neither pleased with Whoopi Goldberg’s Holocaust comments nor her apology after the initial backlash and believe she should be disciplined.
“ABC staffers and Disney Network execs are saying Whoopi went way too far. And board members are not happy with her apology and want a fuller retraction. The word is that Whoopi is in ‘deep shit,’” one ABC source told the outlet.
While Whoopi might hope the situation will blow over soon, the ABC insider said that will likely not happen.
“This will cast a shadow over everything for a while. Even Joy Behar was heard saying backstage that Whoopi is ‘dead wrong’ and may not ever recover from this,” the source said. “Joy found this particularly troubling and couldn’t believe Whoopi wouldn’t stand corrected until she was forced.”
A separate TV insider said that Whoopi may benefit from the fact that people are tired of “cancel culture.”
“Whoopi may benefit from the fact that people are tired of cancel culture. But it is still astonishing that it’s one rule for Whoopi and another for everyone else,” the insider said.
During Monday’s show of The View, Goldberg said the Holocaust was not specifically about race but about man’s inhumanity to others.
This clip of Whoopi Goldberg saying that the Holocaust was not about race is a great reminder that there have only been two Jewish co-hosts in the 25-year history of @TheView, and none since 2016.
— Melissa Weiss (@melissaeweiss) January 31, 2022
After significant backlash, Goldberg apologized in a statement released on Twitter.
— Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) February 1, 2022
Monday night, Goldberg elaborated on her comments with comedian Stephen Colbert and appeared to double-down on her stance by arguing that Jews do not experience racial discrimination in the same way as black people due to skin color.
Neither ABC nor its parent-company Disney has issued a response to Goldberg’s comments.
Watch below:
Give it six more months and liberals will claim wokeness never existed.
Author: Elizabeth Tierney

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