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Anti-Vax Athlete Exposes COVID ‘Witch Hunt’ in NFL

The house of cards is falling around all of the public health officials and every institution that followed their horrifically inaccurate recommendations throughout the entire China Virus pandemic.

Never before has a group of nerdy bureaucrats been given such authority in America — and now the world is paying for it.

Highly visibly celebrities, whether they be professional athletes, actors, or musicians, have come out against the COVID tyranny brought upon us by Dr. Fauci and his enablers in the government.

NFL superstar Aaron Rodgers and king of podcasts Joe Rogan are two of the latest influential people to expose the COVID “witch hunt” and media “propagandists” that have plagued America for several years.

On the Saturday episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Rodgers and Rogan blasted the media’s stronghold on information during the pandemic, especially related to the vaccines, which the NFL star called a “witch hunt.”

Rodgers, who made headlines last year when he refused to reveal his vaccination statues by referring to himself as “immunized” told Rogan that Fauci’s hit squad was unleashed behind the scenes at the NFL.

The NFL star revealed his “immunized” strategy deployed to deal with the prying liberal media that was quick to label vaccine skeptics as “murderers” at the time. Rodgers insisted to reporters that he was “immunized” as a way to get out of answering a direct question about his status.

“They were doing this, I called it a witch hunt, where they were asking every single player ‘are you vaccinated?’” Rodgers told the podcast king.

Rodgers’ reasons for remaining unvaccinated are similar to Rogan’s as both continue to reject the shot.

The NFL star claimed he was concerned with the effects of becoming vaccinated after closely examining the ingredients on numerous big pharma websites. Rodgers said he was allergic to polyethylene glycol, a key ingredient in the vaccines, which he learned about on the CDC website.

“I went on the CDC website and it specifically said ‘if you’re allergic to PEG, we do not recommend getting vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines,’” he told Rogan

Rodgers said he looked for other immunization options after coming to the conclusion that vaccines didn’t make sense for him medically.

“I looked into other options which included an immunization process through a holistic doctor. I researched and talked to probably a dozen different MDs. I found a protocol that I felt like was the best available,” Rodgers said.

According to the media, who was running propaganda for Big Pharma and the Democrat Party, the holistic approach was not acceptable. After refusing to reveal his vaccination status and speaking out against certain aspects of the vaccines, Rodgers revealed to Rogan that media figures repeatedly called him “a plague rat.” 

“That’s when the s***storm hit, because now I’m a liar and endangering the community and my teammates, all these people,” Rodgers said. “The attempted takedown of me and, you know, my word and my integrity began.”

Aaron Rodgers and other high-status NFL stars were endlessly fined for simply living their lives during the offseason, and, while the league never officially mandates vaccines, players were heavily “coerced” into getting the shot against their will.

The league has since loosened rules regarding vaccination status.

Meanwhile, as more and more highly-vaccinated individuals get sick, it’s become incredibly obvious that Rogan and Roger’s sentiments regarding the vaccine were correct all along.

Author: Sebastian Hayworth

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