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High-Ranking Democrat Catches China Virus After Smooching With Biden

A high-ranking member of the Democrat Party has just tested positive for the China Virus.

Given her age, temperament, and obvious cognitive downfall, it’s hard to say if she’ll make it out of this one alive. Actually, cretins like Nancy Pelosi typically make at least one deal with the devil to ensure their immortal torture of the American public can exist for decades and decades to come.

Poor Nancy Pelosi. The 82-year-old Democrat can barely maintain her schedule of overseeing the destruction of American society. Now add a synthetic Chinese virus on top of that — the mix could prove deadly!

It was confirmed on Thursday that the careerist House Speaker tested positive for coronavirus only a day after attending a White House event where she was seen in close proximity to the immunocompromised Joe Biden.

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said in a statement that after previously testing negative earlier this week, the California Democrat “received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic.”

“The Speaker will quarantine consistent with CDC guidance, and encourages everyone to get vaccinated, boosted and test regularly.”

Funny how every liberal who contracts the China Virus encourages vaccinations even though it appears the shots have little efficacy, proven over and over again by the sheer number of “breakthrough” cases.

Poor Nancy was in attendance at a White House event Wednesday, where she appeared in close proximity to Biden and other Democratic lawmakers, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, while unmasked. She also attended an event with Biden and former President Barack Obama on Tuesday and was pictured embracing the president.

Meanwhile, White House genius Jen Psaki tried to argue that Joe Biden kissing COVID-Positive Pelosi does not constitute “close contact”.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Citing an arbitrary CDC definition, Psaki with all the seriousness in the world tried to convince reporters that kissing doesn’t count as close contact.

Reporters found out about Nancy’s diagnosis while waiting for her weekly press briefing. When she didn’t show, reporters knew something was up.

We wish Nancy Pelosi a swift recovery!

Author: Sebastian Hayworth

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