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Fox News’ Fire Highlights Key Difference Between Right And Left

We’re reached a point in politics when the centrist position no longer applies; it’s impossible not to choose a side, especially when the choice seems so obvious.

There is no longer the good-natured debates of politics past when Democrats and Republicans battled it out over tax rates, gun control or gay marriage.

This is now a choice between Good vs Evil.

Americans have a choice as we approach the ’22 midterm elections and the ’24 presidential election whether or not they side with Good or Evil.

On one side there exists a group of politicians, while not perfect, are fighting for personal liberty, for freedom of choice, for emancipation from the clutches of federal government.

Conversely, there’s the side of insidious evil; one that seeks total government control using top-down corporate edicts and public health “officials”; constantly appealing to higher authority by touting “experts”; usurping all that makes a culture great (art, music, movies) by injecting political messaging, similar to every Communist country in existence.

And perhaps the most evil of all, liberalism is a political movement that enables and celebrates violent attacks against its enemies, as seen in the systematic burning of major American cities last summer.

This latest incident proves just that.

A Christmas tree outside of Fox News’ headquarters in New York City went up in flames late Tuesday night / early Wednesday morning.

A man was arrested after setting fire to a Christmas tree outside Midtown’s News Corporation building early Wednesday morning. The Christmas display was set ablaze shortly after midnight and the flames quickly spread up the tree in Fox Square outside the 6th Avenue building that houses Fox News.


Eye witnesses said NYPD officers apprehended a suspect near the tree after midnight.

A police department spokesperson confirmed a 49-year-old man was in custody but investigators couldn’t confirm an incendiary device was used. A light was removed from the suspect, though it’s also unclear whether it was used.
Police say the man acted alone and is yet to be determined if the incident was premeditated or politically motivated.

The Christmas tree happened to be red, white and blue themed.

Who hates American patriotism more than liberals?

Author: Sebastian Hayworth

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