We’re starting to think the rumors are true.
Any doubt of Trump’s 2024 rematch against Joe Biden seem to be diminishing by the day as more announcements are made indicating a presidential run.
Mr. Trump has remained vague while giving as much information as he can about a potential 2024 run. His closest allies and confidants in Congress have hinted toward a run as well, all but dispelling any doubts that we will see the Former President at the top of the GOP ticket once again.
With his latest announcement, there’s hardly any concealing Trump’s 2024 plans.
Former President Donald Trump is heading to Iowa and Georgia in the coming weeks as he tries to maintain his hold over the GOP and as speculation builds over a potential 2024 bid.
Trump’s PAC announced the rallies late Tuesday, with one on Sept. 25 in Perry, Georgia, and one two weeks later in Des Moines, Iowa.
Trump has continuously flirted with a 2024 bid, and several top allies have publicly said they think he will mount a third campaign.
Though Iowa has trended toward Republicans in recent elections, it is the first primary state, making it pivotal for any Republican seeking to oust President Joe Biden in 2024. Trump won Iowa by eight points in 2020.
Though some battleground states are moving away from the Republican stronghold they once were. Georgia, for example, is drifting away from the solid-red win of past and veering off into the purple area, with Atlanta being its most vocal liberal headquarters. Meanwhile, Trump “lost” Georgia by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020, and the state’s two Senate seats flipped weeks later, giving Democrats full control of Congress and the White House.
Trump has repeatedly insisted that he only lost Georgia due to widespread voter fraud, and overwhelming evidence has supported these claims. Remember the 3am miraculous voter dump in Atlanta? Or how about that suspiciously random water main break causing poll workers to suddenly evacuate?
Other potential candidates include Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Sens. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton.
While these candidates are viable, America First options, Trump remains the most popular Republican in modern history.
Author: Asa McCue

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