
News stories by The Patriotic Times are easy-to-skim pieces that pull the facts to the forefront so you can read on the go, then go about your business.

Wondering about the latest developments across the country and around the globe? Questioning how a political event or current happening could impact your rights? We are here for you.

Trump’s CPAC Success Proves One Thing

A poll from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gathering over the weekend confirmed that a familiar face remains the GOP’s most likely next...

Biden’s Tax Hikes Lose Steam — Democrats 2022 Dreams Down The Toilet

President Joe Biden is campaigning hard for a second “infrastructure” bill that contains a number of significant tax increases on corporations and American taxpayers...

Latest Psaki Bomb Proves Biden Doesn’t Care About American Soldiers

On Thursday, Joe Biden announced that he would be sticking with Former President Donald Trump's plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. The cognitively-declining commander-in-chief...

Shocking Details Emerge On The Spy Games In Washington

A new report emerged this week with shocking evidence of Tucker Carlson's claims that the Biden administration is spying on his private communications. It was...

Biden’s Tax Plan Is Dead In The Water – Here’s What That Means For...

Biden is aggressively pushing for a bill that would include hefty tax increases on corporations and American taxpayers – the good news is, the...

Liberal “Wokeness” Guarantees Trump’s Next Victory

Progressive wokeness helped former President Donald Trump grow support among Hispanics in 2020, one Republican operative told the Washington Examiner. Trump took 38% of the...

Biden Leads FBI Down Path Of Incredible Embarrassment

The FBI, once a reputable law enforcement organization, is now merely a blight on the American way of life since Democrats in Washington D.C....

BLM Vows To Destroy The American Flag For Good

As if there were any doubt about Black Lives Matter’s (BLM) true intentions here in America, the Utah chapter just solidified their stance as...

Joe Breaks Down After Trump Deals Out The Ultimate Biden Family Roast

During a press conference to announce his historic class-action lawsuit against Big Tech, Former President Donald Trump left no prisoners. He launched invectives at...

America Withdraws From Middle East — This Country Moves Right In

Under Biden's guidance, the United States has withdrawn its troops in Afghanistan, leaving behind a massive void in the nation. Based upon current media...