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Afghanistan Falls: Stunning Video Shows Exact Moment Of Taliban Takeover

Under Joe Biden’s leadership, Afghanistan has been officially taken over by terrorist leaders in the Taliban.

The entire world watched on while Biden remained hidden in a basement at Camp David.

Reporters in the region were able to capture harrowing video of Taliban’s takeover.

President Ashraf Ghani had already fled the country.

Kabul formally fell to the Taliban on Sunday. Al Jazeera was able to capture the moment on video and through photos.

Meanwhile, the scene outside the palace has only gotten increasingly chaotic.

Saad Mohseni, a Middle East expert called the takeover “Another Saigon moment.”

A Taliban official said the group would announce the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the palace, but those plans appeared to be on hold. That was the name of the country under Taliban rule before the militants were ousted by U.S.-led forces after the 9/11 attacks. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

While Kabul has fallen to the Taliban, Sleepy Joe Biden remains at Camp David, where he is vacationing until Wednesday. His only movement on the issue was to order more troops to Afghanistan, as well as to criticize former President Donald Trump’s handling.

Most are less than thrilled with his behavior these past few days, including those who served in Afghanistan.

As of Sunday evening, there has yet to be any statement from the White House. A separate AP article from Sunday reported that “Biden team surprised by rapid Taliban gains in Afghanistan.”

Meanwhile, news outlets are a buzz with the events, and many are highly critical with Biden’s lack of action.

Even Rep. Adam Kinzinginer, and anti-Trump RINO, who has clashed heavily with his own party lately, criticized the president.

Joey Jones, a FOX News contributor who served in Afghanistan and who underwent loss of both his legs due to an IED incident, also chimed in.

One one his threads involved him sharing comments from fellow servicemen.

Jones also tweeted an article from The New York Times from April, about how Biden went against advice from generals.

Amber Smith, also an Afghanistan veteran, similarly took to Twitter to criticize the president and shirking of responsibilities.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who served in Afghanistan where he sustained his injuries, not only criticized Biden, but the fact that Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually applauded him.

Author: Asa McCue

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